Supergirl Radio – Season 0: Character Spotlight – Winslow Schott and Toyman
29 Sep. 2015

Supergirl Radio – Season 0: Character Spotlight – Winslow Schott and Toyman

On this week’s Supergirl Radio, your hosts Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson are joined by special guest, Steve Younis from Superman Homepage to shine a spotlight on Winslow Schott and the various incarnations of Toyman while also discussing the latest news about CBS’ Supergirl. Join in on the fun as the gang at Supergirl Radio prepare for the premiere on October 26!

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4 Responses

  1. DrAwkward says:

    Great episode, Steve was a good guest.
    I like the name “Winslow Schott” just because it’s fun to say. 😛 I think Teresa was onto something with asking about Toyman’s motivations. I love Superman, but his rogues sometimes aren’t as psychologically iconic or clearly motivated as other villains… that’s good, because it opens it up for all these very very different takes… but also means people don’t know where they’re coming from or what they’re about until introduced to each new version.

    I suspect Supergirl is going to end up creating the definitive version of a bunch of characters in the minds of a generation, which is awesome.

    I forgot that Jeremy Jordan was on Smash… that only renews my desire to see a DC TV musical. 😉 Less-than-one-month to go!

    • Steve WAS a good guest

      “Schott” is a STRONG last night if you say it right 🙂

      This CBS series has a fantastic opportunity to create new villains and even more rivalries for Supergirl so I’m excited for the writers to stretch their imaginations!

      A DC TV Musical could totally happen if they wanted one to. Lots of talented folks playing superheroes!

  2. craigmacd says:

    I live in Canada and I can’t view the CBS trailers/TV spots on their Youtube
    channel either due to geo-blocking. Very annoying.

    is a character I know very little about, aside from his appearances in the
    Bruce Timm animated Superman series and the fact that he killed Cat Grant’s son
    in the comics. I think he’s been partnered with the Prankster (another Superman
    villain) a few times. Winslow Schott in the Supergirl TV show seems to be a mix
    of Barry Allen/Cisco Ramon over in The Flash TV series. I’m wondering if they’ll
    hint at the fact that he might one day kill Cat Grant’s son in the show.

    • I’m sorry you can’t watch the videos! I bet that IS annoying. Hopefully, you all will get some good promotional stuff in Canada!

      I definitely learned more about Toyman in doing research for this episode. He has a lot of history and has had lots of different incarnations! Thanks for mentioning The Prankster. I’ll have to dig into that because the only connection I have to that character is from Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.

      I do think there are some Cisco elements in Supergirl’s Winn. He seems to be Kara’s techno helper in fighting crime. I’m curious if they’ll do any kind of Toyman/Cat storyline. I hope they do, but they also don’t need to. Though, I’d like to think that as writers, it’d be hard to pass up the chance 🙂