Listener Email: Reign’s Defeat
24 Jun. 2018

Listener Email: Reign’s Defeat

Kenisha’s first email to Supergirl Radio includes thoughts about “Battles Lost and Won”, like how Reign was defeated, the surprise return of Thomas Coville, and the hope for more Alex and Lena scenes in Season 4!

This is my first time giving feedback and I have so many thoughts about this episode.

The first big ‘wtf’ moment for me was when Betty Buckley showed up in the Reignforest. I really hoped she was a mirage ’cause I couldn’t explain how she got there. I also thought it was strange how it sounded like she met Reign and knew which side of the Fountain of Lillith would help Sam.

The fight in the Fortress of Sanctuary was so awesome! Not surprised Vita was the first to be taken down.

Reign dying in the cauldron even though she was flying in and out of it earlier, the time travel, using the black rock, fighting at the Fountain of Lilith, Reignforest dementors taking Reign…it was crazy.

I really enjoyed the scene where Winn joins the Legion. I’m so happy for him that his design shaped future technology. I hope he gets peace since he struggled with Demos’ death. James and Winn’s friendship has been so strong and I’m sad to see it broken up. 🙁

Another shocking moment: Coville’s alive!? Hard to believe since later Mon-El and Alura died, briefly, from the same thing. But, at least, he did something good before his last breath.

I’m glad Alex talked to someone about her wanting to adopt. Bonus: it was with Lena. I’m a huge fan of hers and love every second she’s on screen. I really hope Alex considers being a foster parent. It’s an enormous change to become a full-time (possibly single) parent on top of her demanding job. I hope those two share more scenes in Season 4.

Seems like a bunch of comic book stuff that I couldn’t follow as I’m not a comic book reader. Maybe if there was more set up or explanation, I wouldn’t have been so lost.

It was great to see how the storylines wrapped up. The emotional aspects were the best parts of the finale for me. Space Dad/Space Grandad, Winn/James, Alex/ J’onn, Sam/Patricia, Winn’s farewell, and of course the Danvers sisters at the end felt like the strongest points in the story.

As for the cliffhanger, looks like the black rock split Kara into two, but the other one didn’t wither away like the first Reign. I wonder what the other Kara’s motivations could be. Smells like another season with a Kryptonian ‘Big Bad’, but at least there wasn’t a pod.

Thanks for reading my thoughts!

– Kenisha

About the author

One Response

  1. daryl washington says:

    i was pretty surprised myself when alex and lena had that scene together. they have never had that kind of scene before ever.