Listener Email: Ending Kaznian Kara’s Story?
18 May. 2019

Listener Email: Ending Kaznian Kara’s Story?

Courtney wrote in to share some thoughts on the Supergirl season four penultimate episode titled “Red Dawn”!

Dear Morgan and Rebecca,

1.  I guess Kara really is stronger than Superman if she can stay conscious with a big chunk of Kryptonite in her lap. I know she explained she’s had fifteen years to get used to it, but that explanation doesn’t make sense. The little bit of Kryptonite that T-Coville had in “The Faithful” practically incapacitated her last year. I had to go back to that scene to see what the actual amount was. For the record, it was a soil sample laced with small Kryptonite pieces in about a 6”x3” cylinder. You saw more soil than Kryptonite in it. The chunk Kaznian Kara chained her with was practically as big as the soil amount itself. Though, the last couple of episodes where she’s been exposed to Kryptonite, she hasn’t totally been knocked out so, maybe she’s getting used to the effects.

2. If the Children of Liberty have power dampeners, how was J’onn able to shapeshift into Eve? And how do people somehow know that Brainy’s Legion ring is important or was that Child of Liberty just stealing jewelry for the sake of being a jerk?

3.  Alex takes after her mom asking Supergirl about how it feels to burn sunlight like when Eliza asked J’onn a lot of questions regarding his shape-shifting from a child size to an adult Martian size.

4. Once Haley revealed the R&D scientists being killed and Supergirl was going to Red Kara’s apartment, I was yelling at them that they have to stick together. You can’t have Haley getting killed off for snooping around DC. Someone had to have noticed.

5.  Thank God the mind wipe is gone and I’m pretty satisfied with how it was done, considering time constraints. Wish we had more Helen Slater though, but at least she was around when her daughter nearly died as opposed to last Christmas when she was MIA for some reason. I didn’t totally get the sun in the grass thing unless I missed some dialogue. I feel like maybe something was cut from the scene with Kara under the sunlamps. (Oddly enough and totally unrelated, but this reminds me of a line in The Wizard of Oz that references a song that got cut from the movie and seeing how it’s Kara’s favorite movie, it seemed a little connected).

Back to the ”sun in everything” scene, it was heartbreaking, but a little ridiculous and felt a bit Rapunzel-like. Chyler’s acting sold it so I’ll disregard her yelling at Kara to “Take the grass!” What else can you expect when you’re stressed out about your sister you just remembered is dying?

6.  Back to when Red Daughter zapped Supergirl and the sun went out — was that to represent that she was just holding Kara in the air using the zap for as long as it took until sunset or did she create an eclipse in that area? The sky just went dark. Like, what actually happened there?!?!

7. Trying to figure out how they could think Red Daughter was attacking when she was in Midvale when she heard explosions and flew off. Did she fly to Kaznia or where the attacks were happening in the U.S.?  Because right before she flew off, she yelled “No!” So if Kaznia did attack the U.S. first, which would make sense because the U.S. had no need to attack Kaznia, how can they say Red Daughter led it? She wasn’t there when it started. I can’t imagine Kaznia attacking without their secret weapon.

8.  We may have ended the Kaznian Kara storyline and don’t have to deal with either putting her back into our Kara using Harun-El, shipping her to Argo, or somehow getting a prison cell strong enough to hold her, seeing as how she did kill people. Unless she’s not really dead and needs some magic grass, too. But now that that character is “gone”, let’s add rebooted Brainy to the mix when we have one episode left. It seems we would need maybe two or three more episodes to really get a satisfying ending to all this. Next week is going to be a lot to cram into one hour. 

9. Last but never least, we can’t forget the Luthors. Every scene with Lillian and Lena was gold!  Happy Mother’s Day from The Danvers and The Luthors in this episode!

– Courtney

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