Listener Email: Unusually (for Supergirl) Well-Thought-Out
08 Dec. 2019

Listener Email: Unusually (for Supergirl) Well-Thought-Out

Susan wrote in after having her own personal mini-marathon to share some thoughts on the Supergirl season five episode titled “The Wrath of Rama Khan”!

For reasons of my own schedule, I ended up having to wait until today to watch “Confidence Women” and “Tremors”, so I had a three-episode Sunday, which was entertaining, and gave me some perspective on this season (which so far, at least, does not have any confusing legal questions for me to dissect). So, it seemed like a good time to offer some thoughts:

I enjoyed all three episodes, and realized during “The Wrath of Rama Khan” why I liked them – each of the most recent three episodes spent a fair amount of time on non-romantic character relationships and development, rather than just the villain du jour. For those of us who like the show’s character driven elements (more than the action or mythology), there was a lot to like in “The Wrath of Rama Khan”:

– while we didn’t actually get a sister couch scene, we did at least get Alex and Kara having real conversations with each other;

– we got bad-ass Alex back, rather than the baffling, love-sick puppy version of Alex we have had all season;

– we got complex Lena, with the writers having masterfully left us still not knowing if she really is good or evil, or will end up as good or evil;

– we did not have to spend any time watching Alex and Kelly, who I have nothing against, except for the fact that their relationship has evolved in a way to make me truly indifferent as to whether they stay together or not, and I, therefore, find it just annoying that their relationship issues take up screen time that could be spent on other things;

– we did not have to see William, and the less we see him, the longer it will be until we have to face the inevitable march to a relationship between him and Kara that will undoubtedly be annoying; and

– the way the pieces are fitting together from episode to episode seems to have been unusually (for Supergirl) well-thought-out, cohesive and outlined in advance; and, of course

– the title (who doesn’t love a Star Trek reference?).

I’m intrigued and looking forward to the second “half” of the season (after we get through the crossover, which I never like) – there seems to be a lot of potential.



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